HESD Community: Please read this week's issue of the "Hueneme Channel." https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel
about 3 years ago, Christine Walker
HESD Community: Please read this week's issue of the "Hueneme Channel." https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel
over 3 years ago, Hueneme ESD
HESD Community: Please read this week's issue of the "Hueneme Channel." https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel
over 3 years ago, Hueneme ESD
HESD Community: Please read this week's issue of the "Hueneme Channel." https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel
over 3 years ago, Hueneme ESD
Kaiser Permanente Virtual Workshop for Parents Stress and Resilience When: Wednesday, October 13th and 20th Time: 6:00 pm Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/94026437772?pwd=bW8rdGJacWVYOUd5ajRYNzFtUWpBdz09 Meeting ID: 940 2643 7772 Passcode: 023139
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
HESD Community: Please read this week's issue of the "Hueneme Channel." https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel
over 3 years ago, Hueneme ESD
Please see this community event opportunity.
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Creulla Poster
We tested our emergency notification system, where we will send out important updates and reminders. Please consider saving 98900 to your contacts. If you did not receive a text message from our system, please contact the school to confirm your cell number is up-to-date.
over 3 years ago, Hueneme Elementary School District
Hello Sunkist Families, Please note that teachers begin classroom instruction at 8:00, so it is important that students arrive to school by at least 7:55 to allow them time to walk to class. Remember, the cafeteria is open at 7:30 if students want to have free breakfast before school.
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Hello Families, On Monday, September 20 and Monday, September 27 Kaiser Permanente will be presenting a Virtual Literacy Workshop. Mrs. Pilotzi, Sunkist School Counselor, will be hosting the workshop which will begin at 6:00. We hope that you can make time to attend. Virtual Literacy Workshop When: Monday, September 20th and 27th Time: 6:00 pm Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/91992363120?pwd=RldueC9kMm1NYnRZeDJuUmxkcThYUT09 Zoom meeting ID: 919 9236 3120 Passcode: 297105
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Literacy Workshop
Hello Bears! Thank you to everyone who wore your school uniform today. Remember, we wear our school uniform on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. On Friday students can have Free Dress Friday, but please follow our dress code: 1. Shoes must be worn at all times. Thongs, backless shoes, sandals, or shoes with a heel greater than one inch are not acceptable. 2. Clothing, jewelry and personal items (backpacks, fanny packs, gym bags, water bottles, etc.) shall be free of writing, pictures or any other insignia which are crude, vulgar, profane or sexually suggestive, which bear drug, alcohol or tobacco company advertising, promotions and likeness, or which advocate racial, ethnic or religious prejudice. 3. Pajamas are not to be worn to school at any time. 4. Hats, caps and other head coverings shall not be worn indoors. 5. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. See-through or fish-net fabrics, halter tops, off-the-shoulder or low-cut tops, bare midriffs and skirts or shorts shorter than mid-thigh are prohibited. Pants or shorts with holes above the knee are prohibited. Tank tops must have a strap at least one inch wide and cover all undergarments. 6. Hair shall be clean and neatly groomed. Hair may not be sprayed by any coloring that would drip when wet.
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Hello Sunkist Bears... The first day of School is Thursday, August 26, 2021 Sunkist Elementary School follows a school uniform dress code: Top- White, light blue, or dark blue, or forest green polo style Pants/Skirts/Shorts- Navy blue or khaki Sunkist school spirit shirts are allowed every day as well If you have any questions please contact the school.
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
School Uniforms
Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year! Sunkist staff is working hard to prepare the campus for the return of students and teachers. The first day of school will be Thursday, August 26, 2021. We would like to invite you to come to the school to pick up your child’s first day packet. Please check the schedule below for when your child is scheduled to come to pick up their packet. Wednesday, August 18 8:00-10:00- Last names A-F 11:00-1:00- Last names G-L Thursday, August 19 8:00-10:00- Last names M-R 11:00-1:00- Last names S-Z Packets will be distributed in the cafetería, and staff will be available to assist you with any questions you may have. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the school at (805) 986-8722.
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Sunkist School would like to welcome new Bear Cubs! If you have a child who you would like to register at Sunkist for the 2021-2022 school year please drop by the front office. Office will be open 9:00 am to 11:00 am and 1:00pm to 4:00 Monday-Friday to pick up or return a registration packet. Office will be open to 6:00 on Tuesday to accommodate those who need a later time. You will also need the following information to register: Birth Certificate with parent(s) valid ID Physical Exam Immunization Record Dental Exam Utility Bill Any court/legal documents that may apply
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
New Student Registration
Picture Day is Wednesday, May 12 for Cohort A and Thursday, May 13 for Cohort B. Parents will be able to purchase packages from Cornerstone Photography.
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Picture Day
Picture Day
Hello Sunkist Bears! Please take a few minutes to review Sunkist's Parking Lot Etiquette. In an attempt to keep all students, staff, and families safe we would like to share the following: 1. Parking lot is for district staff and handicapped individuals only. 2. Please use sidewalks when walking on campus. Walking in the parking lot is dangerous and not permitted. 3. Please do not enter through the Exit. Port Hueneme police will be monitoring the exits for drivers who violate this rule as it is dangerous and illegal. 4. Please be respectful of staff as we enforce the rules. Our main concern is student safety-if we work together we can keep everyone safe. Thank you for your respect and cooperation
over 3 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Parking Lot Rules
Good evening Sunkist Bears!! Tomorrow in-person classes resume for Students in Cohort A: Kindergarten 8:00-11:00 Grades 1-3- 8:15-12:05 Grades 4-5- 8:30-12:35 A snack/ breakfast will be provided to all students during a nutrition break, and a grab and go lunch will also be given to each student as they leave for the day. Make sure to get to bed early tonight!!
almost 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Reopening Frequently Asked Questions 1. What if my student is not feeing well? Keep your child home if they do not feel well. (Temperature of 99.5 or above please stay home) Speak to your student about the importance of following the school's safety protocols including: Wearing a mask-to cover both nose and mouth while at school. Keeping distance from peers. Washing hands well often or using hand sanitizer 2. What group is my child in? What days will they be attending school? If your child is in Cohort A: they attend school on campus Monday and Wednesday and Remote days are: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. If you child is in Cohort B: they attend school on campus Tuesday and Thursday and Remote days are: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. *Please note* If you have specific questions about the cohort your child is in, please call the office. 3. Should I wait until my child goes through the gates before I leave? Yes, please do a passive screening before bringing your child to school to check for fever. Once the students arrive, campus assistants will also do an active screening to check for fever. If their temperature is above 99.5, then they will not be able to stay at school. 4. Should my child bring a snack to school? Yes, you are welcome to send a snack with your child. There will also be a snack provided from our cafeteria during a 20 minute nutrition/recess break. This snack will be at no additional cost to our families. 5. What if I forgot my mask or lost it? We will have disposable masks on our campus and in our classrooms. 6. Can my child wear a face shield with a mask? Yes. As long as the face shield is not a distraction we welcome both face coverings. 7. Can I come on campus and walk my child to their classroom? No, at this time, we are not having any family members on campus. We understand that this could be a challenging time for some of our students, however for contact tracing purposes we cannot welcome families at this time. 8. Does my child have to wear a school uniform? No, students will not have to wear a school uniform for the remainder of this school year, but if you have one it is encouraged. 9. What does my child need to bring with them to school? Your student's teacher will inform you what they will need to bring with them. 10. What are the new school office hours? Monday-Friday 7:30-4:00 PM, outside of these hours, by appointment only.
almost 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Hello Sunkist Bears!! In-person instruction for Kindergarten and First Grade students will begin Monday, March 29, 2021. Please drop off your student at the appropriate time at the gate nearest the office. Students will have their temperature taken, then will be escorted to class by their teacher or assigned supervisor. No parents will be allowed on campus. No before school breakfast will be provided. Students will be given breakfast during a nutrition break scheduled in their day. Students will also be provided with a lunch as they leave for the day. Teachers will be contacting you this week to inform you which days your students will have in-person instruction Remember, in an attempt to keep everyone healthy, face masks are mandatory.
almost 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
In person instruction
Hello Sunkist Bears! When we return back to school we will NOT be using our school uniforms, but we will follow a strict dress code: Sunkist School Dress Code-3/11/2021 1. Shoes must be worn at all times. Thongs, backless shoes, sandals, or shoes with a heel greater than one inch are not acceptable. 2. Clothing, jewelry and personal items (backpacks, fanny packs, gym bags, water bottles, etc.) shall be free of writing, pictures or any other insignia which are crude, vulgar, profane or sexually suggestive, which bear drug, alcohol or tobacco company advertising, promotions and likeness, or which advocate racial, ethnic or religious prejudice. 3. Pajamas are not to be worn to school at any time. 4. Hats, caps and other head coverings shall not be worn indoors. 5. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. See-through or fish-net fabrics, halter tops, off-the-shoulder or low-cut tops, bare midriffs and skirts or shorts shorter than mid-thigh are prohibited. Pants or shorts with holes above the knee are prohibited. Tank tops must have a strap at least one inch wide and cover all undergarments. 6. Hair shall be clean and neatly groomed. Hair may not be sprayed by any coloring that would drip when wet.
almost 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla