Kaiser Permanente Educational Theatre Family Programs​ are presenting three Literacy Workshops to our community. These are a series of 3 workshops offered on Tuesday, February 9th, Feb. 16th and Feb. 23rd from 5:30-6:30p.m. Workshops will be bilingual. Please join us by using the link below: https://zoom.us/j/91992363120?pwd=RldueC9kMm1NYnRZeDJuUmxkcThYUT09 Meeting ID: 919 9236 3120 Passcode: 297105 ​ ​
almost 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Literacy Workshop
Sunkist School Online Book Fair-Feria del libro en linea de Sunkist School
almost 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Online Book Fair
Sunkist PTA will be sponsoring a Virtual Book Fair February 8-21. More information will be provided soon.....
almost 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Book Fair
Next week is The Great Kindness Challenge! This program is intended to spread kindness in schools all over the world. From January 25th — January 29th, 2021 students, teachers, and community members will come together to make the world a kinder place.
about 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Kindness Checklist
Kindness Checklist
Reminder-There will be no classes on Monday, January 18, 2021 due to Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Holiday. Distance Learning classes will resume on Tuesday, January 19, 2021.
about 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Kaiser Permanente will be offering a three-day virtual workshop on the topic of Stress and Resilience. Please join us on January 14th, 21st and 28th at 6:00 pm Bring something to write with Enter the ZOOM 5 minutes before starting the session Find a place without much distraction * If you have problems entering the site, call Horacio (818) 916-2101 Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/94026437772?pwd=bW8rdGJacWVYOUd5ajRYNzFtUWpBdz09 Meeting ID: 940 2643 7772 Passcode: 023139
about 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Parent Conferences-November 30-December 11 * During conferences if your child has small group instruction after 12:30 the groups will be cancelled * Friday December 4 and Friday December 11 there will be no live instruction-students will be doing asynchronous work
about 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Dear Sunkist Parents, It is VERY important that you complete the following form online or in our school office by Friday, December 4. Please bring it to the school office. Thank you if you have already done so. Estimados padres de Sunkist, Es MUY importante que complete el siguiente formulario en línea o en la oficina de nuestra escuela antes del viernes 4 de diciembre Por favor traigalo a la oficina. Gracias si ya lo ha hecho. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SleDlGE6rbVjD3Hn4H3GR66xAFklp_dl/view?usp=sharing
about 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Thanksgiving Break will be 11/23-11/27-No School during this week.
about 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
In honor of Veteran's Day meal service for Wednesday, November 11, 2020 will be moved to Monday, November 9, 2020.
about 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Hello Bears!! We will have school on Monday, October 12, 2020. See you in class!
over 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Good Evening Sunkist Bears! Tuesday, September 29, 2020 Second through Fifth grade teachers will hold Virtual Back to School Night from 6:00-7:00. Teachers will send a link to students so families can participate.
over 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Buenas Noches Osos!! Martes 29 de septiembre de 2020 los maestros de segundo a quinto grado llevaran a cabo la noche virtual de regreso a clases de 6:00-7:00. Los maestros enviaran un enlace a los estudiantes para que las familias pueden participar.
over 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Buenas Noches Osos!! Martes 8 de septiembre de 2020 los maestros de Kindergarten y primer grado llevaran a cabo la noche virtual de regreso a clases de 6:00-7:00. Los maestros enviaran un enlace a los estudiantes para que las familias pueden participar.
over 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Good Evening Sunkist Bears! Tuesday, September 8, 2020 Kindergarten and First grade will hold Virtual Back to School Night from 6:00-7:00. Teachers will send a link to students so families can participate.
over 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Los días de orientación se llevarán a cabo el 24, 25 o 26 de agosto.Los estudiantes solo necesitan asistir un día. • ¡Por favor traiga sus papeles del primer día a su maestro! • Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de conocer a su maestro y llevarse útiles escolares, un dispositivo y un plan de estudios. Siga los horarios a continuación: Lunes 24 de agosto • 12: 00-1: 00- Apellidos A-C • 1: 00-2: 00- Apellidos D-F • 2: 00-3: 00- Apellidos G-H Martes 25 de agosto • 12: 00-1: 00- Apellidos I-K • 1: 00-2: 00- Apellidos L-N • 2: 00-3: 00- Apellidos O-P Miércoles 26 de agosto • 12: 00-1: 00- Apellidos Q-S • 1: 00-2: 00- Apellidos T-V • 2: 00-3: 00- Apellidos W-Z
over 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Orientation Days will be held on August 24, 25, or 26. Students only need to attend one day. • Please bring your first day papers to your teacher! • Students will have the opportunity to meet their teacher and take school supplies, a device, and curriculum. Please follow the schedules below: Monday, August 24- • 12:00-1:00- Last names A-C • 1:00-2:00- Last names D-F • 2:00-3:00- Last names G-H Tuesday, August 25- • 12:00-1:00- Last names I-K • 1:00-2:00- Last names L-N • 2:00-3:00- Last names O-P Wednesday, August 26- • 12:00-1:00- Last names Q-S • 1:00-2:00- Last names T-V • 2:00-3:00- Last names W-Z
over 4 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Sunkist Kinder and new student registration only Sunkist kinder y nuevo estudiante registracion Monday, August 3rd -- 9 am - 12 pm & 5 pm - 8 pm Tuesday, August 4th -- 9 am - 3 pm Wednesday, August 5th -- 9 am - 12 pm & 5 pm - 8 pm Thursday, August 6th -- 9 am - 3 pm Friday, August 7th -- 9 am - 3 pm Wednesday, August 12th - rest of school year -- REGULAR office hours
over 4 years ago, Sunkist Elementary School
Sunkist Registration/Registracion Monday, August 3rd -- 9 am - 12 pm & 5 pm - 8 pm Tuesday, August 4th -- 9 am - 3 pm Wednesday, August 5th -- 9 am - 12 pm & 5 pm - 8 pm Thursday, August 6th -- 9 am - 3 pm Friday, August 7th -- 9 am - 3 pm Wednesday, August 12th - rest of school year -- REGULAR office hours
over 4 years ago, Sunkist Elementary School
Sunkist Families, tómense el tiempo de leer los dos programas que el distrito escolar ofrecerá para el próximo año escolar. El primero es la enseñanza y el aprendizaje híbrido / combinado y el segundo es la Academia de aprendizaje digital en el hogar de el año. Todos los estudiantes comenzarán con la educación a distancia, sin embargo, aún todavía necesitaremos que todos elijan un programa. Por favor llame a la oficina si necesita aclaraciones. Gracias
over 4 years ago, Sunkist Elementary School